2024 Non-Surgical Symposium


Invitation to participate in the 2024 Non-Surgical Symposium

We are delighted that NSS 2023 was a great success, and that the scientific content presented was well received.

We would like to continue to improve the content offering so are delighted to invite you to participate in the cutting-edge scientific program for NSS 2024, Australasia’s leading non-surgical meeting, by submitting an abstract to share your experience, knowledge and research.

Our local aesthetic practitioners have a wealth of experience be it an innovative way of delivering treatment, a fresh perspective on a technique, or a new piece of technology we would welcome your participation. The user friendly online abstract submission portal for NSS 2024 makes submitting easy.

We are fortunate that NSS has become a preferred meeting and as a result we have more abstracts than available time slots. We try our best to accommodate the best abstracts to enhance content offering but we are unable to accept all the abstracts that are submitted.

To allow increased levels of participation and sharing of valuable content, we are pleased to accept digital posters in 2024, to cater for the vast variety of quality presentations we receive.

If you wish to present at the NSS 2024, you must submit an abstract. Please note that submissions must conform to all guidelines as outlined below. Abstracts that do not comply with the rules of submission or layout guidelines will unfortunately be declined. Abstracts without results (or with “results pending”, “results to be discussed”, or similar) will also not be considered for presentation. The scientific organising committee reserves the right to decline any abstract that does not align with the goals of the meeting.

Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published on print and digital formats for distribution.

I look forward to reviewing your abstracts and to your involvement with the Non-Surgical Symposium.

Dr. Naveen Somia PhD., FRACS

NSS Scientific Convenor

          Important Dates

  • June 2023 Abstract submissions open

  • 1 December 2023 Abstract submission deadline

  • March 2024 – Notification to authors

  • March 2024 – Program release


Abstract Author(s) and the Presenter

There may be only one presenting author, but multiple authors may be listed on the submission.

Abstract Layout

Maximum 500 words.

Organise the abstract as follows:

  1. Disclosures
  2. Aim/purpose (preferably one sentence)
  3. Introduction
  4. Method
  5. Results
  6. Conclusions (It is not satisfactory to state “The results will be discussed”)


In your abstract submission you must disclose:

  • If the abstract has been previously submitted, published or presented.
  • Whether the presentation is industry supported or initiated.
  • Where applicable, all studies must have been approved by institutional committees on ethics of experimental and human/animal investigations.
  • Any conflicts of interest

If this is an industry abstract submission, you must disclose if you are speaking :

On behalf of the industry

– About research done by industry

– About a published paper, of which you are not an author

Prior to the event you will be sent the ASAPS Guest Speaker Documentation form that requires the following disclosures:

  • Do you receive direct personal financial benefit through sales or royalties of any devices/implant/cosmetic product or any related technologies? If yes, please detail the company name(s) and the details of the agreement.
  • Do you receive any competitive advantage via commercial arrangements from suppliers/industry to support your practice via cost reduction, incentives, in kind contributions and subsidies?
  • Are your industry payments publicly available e.g. on cms.gov?
  • Do you consult, advise, endorse products (third party marketing/sales) or do research on behalf of any company (ies) that may in some way be perceived to be a conflict of interest? If yes, please detail the company name(s) and the details of the agreement.
  • Are industry funds paid to you personally, to your practice or via any institution(s) you are affiliated with?
  • Are you employed or engaged within the academic and/or not for profit sector?
  • Do you have a track record of publications in peer reviewed journals in your area of research?
  • Do you have track record of public competitive grants your area of research?


Speakers must be registered and attend the conference in person to be eligible to present. Please note that presentation of an abstract does not constitute an offer by ASAPS to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the Symposium. No presenter fee will be paid.

Judging Criteria

Presentations will be selected on the basis of scientific merit, clinical merit and topicality.

Submission Limitations

Companies that are either sponsoring or exhibiting are limited to one (1) abstract submission. Independent authors do not have a maximum number of submissions allowed.

Presentation Themes

Submissions must fall under the following themes to be accepted.

  • Facial Aesthetics Focusing on the Following Areas
    o Forehead and temple
    o Periorbital and mid face
    o Lips
    o Noses
    o Chin, jawline and neck
    o Hands
    o Innovations and new ideas
  • Care of the Skin
    o Skin rejuvenation using:
    – Laser and light-based treatments
    – Cosmeceuticals and medical grade skin care
    o Beyond skincare: holistic management of common skin concerns
    o Common dermatological skin conditions
    o Body treatments
    o Combination modalities to achieve outcomes
    o Sharing positive patient before and afters (and everything in between)
  • Advanced Skincare Topics
    o Unique approaches to skin of colour
    o Menopausal skin changes
    o Male or female specific therapies
    o Innovations and new ideas
    o Advanced skin treatments – face
  • Contouring and Care of the Body
    o Innovations and new ideas
    o Advanced treatments – body
    o Menopausal body changes
    o Hair restoration technologies
  • Business and Risk Mitigation
    o Innovative business ideas
    o Business success
    o Case studies and practical problem solving of business roadblocks
    o Successful practice management systems and protocols
    o Social media
  • Mindfulness and Wellness
    o Self care for practitioners
    o Case studies
    o Building a support network

Submitting Your Presentation

Due to the large volume of presentations at the event, we ask you to please read the below information and follow the instructions carefully.

  • Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published on print and digital formats for distribution.
  • Speakers will be required to bring their presentations, properly named as below, on a USB stick with them to the conference.
  • Your presentation must be given to the audio-visual team two hours prior to the session.
  • Presenting on your own laptop is not permitted.
  • Oral presentations are usually 15 minutes or as appropriate for the program.
  • The duration of the talk will be enforced, and you should practice and time your talk to ensure it is completed within the allocated time frame.

Submission Acceptance

While we try and accommodate the best abstracts to enhance the value of the meeting, we are unable to accept all the abstracts that are submitted into the live program.

To allow increased levels of participation and sharing of valuable content, we are pleased to accept digital posters in 2024, to cater for the vast variety of quality presentations we receive.

In-Person Presentation Format

  • 16:9 screen ratio
  • Strictly PowerPoint or Keynote
  • Presentation file naming protocol – “Time_Day_Presenter Name_Topic”
  • The first or second slide must contain the speaker’s disclosures

Digital Poster Presentation Format

  • Digital posters will be available to view for the entirety of the in-person event.
  • Posters must be designed in a digital format and sent as an MP4 file.
  • We recommend you voice record over your digital poster. There will be headphones available for delegates to use when viewing your presentation at the event. We advise keeping the voice over short and succinct, to help aid your digital poster.
  • Poster file name must match exactly to the poster title
  • Digital presentations should be labelled as follows when submitting:
  • First name_Last name_presentation title
  • All text should follow a structure, such as abstract – introduction – background – hypothesis/objective – results and conclusion.
  • To attract delegates, your poster should be able to be read a distance. Use colour and design elements strategically to draw in delegates to your presentation.
  • We recommend using a QR code that when scanned, takes delegates to your full presentation and/or further information.
Abstract submissions closed